Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rocks and Mineral Poster!

Creating a Poster of Rocks and Minerals!

Online Resource References:
BBC. (n.d.). Science ages 7-8: science clips. Retrieved Oct. 4, 2010, from
BBC. (n.d.). KS2 bite size: rocks and soils quiz. Retrieved Oct. 4, 2010, from

Grade level:
Gr. 3 Science, Topic A: Rocks and Minerals

Introduction: Students will complete the online activity individually to learn what various rocks and their properties.
Body: In groups, they will search for pictures of each rock learned to print off for a poster. Using a word document, they will type one property and one common use of at least 3 of the rocks represented on their poster.
Conclusion: After viewing everyone’s posters, they will complete a short online quiz to see how much they’ve learned.
Sponge Activity: Discuss the dangers of using the wrong rock in certain cases (Ex. Using chalk to build sidewalks)

General learner outcomes (GLOs):
Demonstrate knowledge of materials that comprise Earth’s crust, and demonstrate skill in classifying these materials.

Specific learner outcomes (SLOs):
1. Compare samples of various kinds of rock, and identify similarities and differences.
7. Describe some common uses of rocks and minerals; and identify examples of those uses within     the school, home or local community.

ICT outcomes:
C.1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
C.7 1.3 draw conclusions from organized information
Specific Outcomes 1.1 integrate text and graphics to form a meaningful message 1.2 balance text and graphics for visual effect

Rationale for Computer Integration:
The online activity allows for visual learning of the rocks, they can see how the rocks look and react to stimulated situations in a more clear light than an explanation by the teacher could accomplish. They can use the computer to find realistic pictures of rocks and to search for information on common uses of the rocks if they are unsure of where they might have seen it used before. Printing the material off the computer also ensures a more clear and organized poster representation. 

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